Press release

Entries invited for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024

Published on 6 June 2024

Artists and designers from across the globe are invited to submit their work to one of the world’s most prestigious exhibitions dedicated to drawing

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The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize provides an opportunity for international artists, designers and makers to be included in a prestigious exhibition and shortlisted for awards totalling £17,000.

Drawing practitioners wishing to submit work for consideration have two deadlines to work to, both occurring later this month.

Founded in 1994 by Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design (DJCAD)at the University of Dundee, the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize is widely considered to be the most prestigious annual open exhibition for drawing in the UK.

The event will launch in London at Trinity Buoy Wharf in October 2024 and will tour across the UK, including Dundee, into 2025.

Professor Taylor said, “As the 30th edition of the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize, 2024 represents a milestone year for the annual open exhibition. 

“Over the years, we have presented touring exhibitions and awards, selected by changing panels of distinguished experts in the field of drawing. The project has raised the profile of drawing and encouraged the exploration of drawing as a vital means of ideation, communication and expression. 

“The 2024 exhibition will have another phenomenal group of expert selectors, and we look forward to seeing each of the drawings submitted by emerging and established drawing practitioners across the UK and internationally for the open call.”

Many Dundee graduates have been included in the exhibition since its launch in 1994. Last year, DJCAD graduate Kirsty Bogle was one of 96 drawing practitioners shortlisted for the prize. 

Kirsty’s piece, ‘Summer is Coming,’ was selected from just over 3,000 submissions from 40 countries after a rigorous process. She said her involvement had been pivotal moment in her professional development.

Drawing 'Summer is Coming' by Kirsty Bogle

Image: 'Summer is Coming' by Kirsty Bogle

She said, “It has been an exciting year. Having a piece of work selected for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize has been a delightful experience. I was bowled over that artists I admired had selected my drawing for exhibition. 

“Seeing my work amongst a collection of gorgeous drawings of many different styles, media and subject matter has been very affirming but also informative. With so many people having visited the exhibition and feeding back their experience to me, I have a better sense of how my drawings might survive out in the big bad world.”

There are two separate calls for entries and submission and selection processes in 2024 - one call for the main Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024 exhibition and awards, and another call for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Working Drawing Award 2024.

Entries for the main exhibition must be submitted by Monday 17 June, while entries for the Working Drawing Award, which aims to promote the role of drawing within architecture, design, and making processes, must be received by Thursday 20 June. 

Awards are presented First Prize (£8,000), Second Prize (£5,000), Student Award (£2,000), and Working Drawing Award (£2,000).

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024 will be selected by Mary Evans, Artist and Director of the Slade School of Fine Art at UCL; Gary Sangster, international curator, writer, co-Director of Drawing Projects UK; and Jennifer Scott, Director of Dulwich Picture Gallery in London.  

The Working Drawing Award winner will be chosen by Ben Derbyshire, non-executive Chair of HTA Design LLP, a leading multidisciplinary design practice specialising in housing and place-making; Andrew Grant, Landscape Architect, Founder and Director of Grant Associates in Bath and Singapore; and Caroline Grewar, Director of Programme at V&A Dundee.

Find out more on the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize website.


Notes to editors

The Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2024 is supported by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust and delivered in Partnership with Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee, Drawing Projects UK, and Parker Harris. This is the seventh year of funding by the Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust.


Jessica Rorke

Media Relations Officer

+44 (0)1382 388878