Graduates' Association

On this page

The Royal Charter established The University of Dundee and provided for a Graduate's Association. The Graduates' Association is governed in accordance with:

Students who graduate from the University of Dundee with either a Degree or Diploma automatically become life members of the Graduates' Association. Honorary Graduates are also members of Graduates' Association. Graduates of the following colleges are also members of University of Dundee Graduates' Association:

  • Queens College (University College)
  • Northern College of Education (Dundee)
  • Dundee College of Education
  • Tayside College of Nursing and Midwifery
  • Fife College of Health Studies
  • Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art

Since the University became independent from the University of St Andrews in 1967 there have been over 100,000 members of the Graduates Association spread over 50 countries across the world and that number continues to grow each year.

Contact details

The University is very committed to engaging with its graduates and as result, a nominated member of the University Court, who is also a member of the Graduates’ Association, acts as an intermediary between graduates and the University Court.

Court reports

Read regular updates on the work of Court to graduates: