Policies from Quality and Academic Standards

Full list of policies produced by Quality and Academic Standards.

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All policies from Quality and Academic Standards


This policy sets out the University’s position on the provision of academic-related reasonable adjustments for disabled students and clarifies responsibilities and procedures in this respect.

Code of conduct

Learn what types of activity would be considered as academic misconduct, how to prevent it, and what the procedures and penalties are if you are found to have committed this offence


The Dundee Module Baseline (DMB) supports excellence in online and blended delivery of teaching at the University of Dundee.


When it is necessary for approval of new programmes or modules to occur rapidly, the following procedures may be adopted under 'Emergency Powers'. The downloadable Emergency Powers pro forma must be used.


The Student Placement Toolkit is relevant to the Equality Act 2010, the Public Sector Equality Duty and the protected characteristics as set out in the Act. The summary sets out the level of relevance and where the Toolkit takes account of equality issues and where gaps are identified.


The aim of this checklist is to support reflection on the inclusiveness of the University’s programmes so that these take account of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 . As such, it is intended to be used during Programme Approval and Programme Review.


Taught programmes and their constituent modules are reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that forward planning is based on focused reflection and evaluation of data and relevant feedback, with a view to continuous enhancement of our taught provision.


This policy provides the minimum standards expected of the periodic review process for postgraduate research, whilst the policy guidance describes the operational processes necessary to implement the policy.


The University is committed to widening access and flexible entry to higher education and we are fully supportive of credit accumulation and transfer and the recognition of informal (experiential) learning


This code sets out the University of Dundee’s standards and requirements for the quality of research degree provision.


The University and the Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) work together to develop an annual Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) to further enhance the experience of our students. Our SPAs detail agreed priorities for each academic year and include key performance indicators to help with evaluation of effectiveness.

All guides from Quality and Academic Standards


If you are a student and have encountered problems beyond your control which have negatively affected your studies, learn how to report these so that you can get the support you need and so that your exam board can be aware of your situation.